
QUIRKY QUILL is for and by young writers and readers, hosted and moderated by me, Sharon Kirk Clifton. Welcome!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

NaNoWriMo for YOUth! And It's FREE!

It's true! It's true! There's a NaNoWriMo just for YOU! That is, if you are one of the young writers out there. I recently led a fiction writing workshop for a precocious group of homeschooled writers and was blown away by their talent, so I know many of you not only love writing but do it well. NaNoWriMo is a challenging opportunity to discipline yourself to write like crazy during November on one burning story. Get the whole scoop by clicking on the many link throughout this blurb.
     No fair cheating! Don't write ahead! BUT you can do some pre-planning, some plot mapping, braiding, or outlining, if that's the way you work. You can start browsing the web to find pictures of your characters, places, etc., if that helps you to visualize your story. You can clear your calendar of non-essentials to give yourself some extra writing time. You can talk with your writing/English teachers to see if they would be willing to waive some usual writing assignments to allow still more time for you to devote to your project. You can pray for God's guidance as you enter this BIG adventure.
     Let us all know how it goes. In fact, drop a line now and then to tell us about your progress, any problems you encounter, and your word count. With your permission, we'll publish your first name only and your word count as you go--weekly would be great. Sure hope to hear from you.

Write on!
Because of Jesus,
Miz Sharon